Friday, October 29, 2010

Are there Green Diamonds?

Usually we see diamonds in white- there are the most expensive when classified according to color. Colorless diamonds and near colorless ones belong to the DEF and GHI professional color scale according to GIA(Gemological Institute of America). Green diamonds on the other hand are rare.

And- even though green diamonds are obviously not belonging to the colorless categories, genuine green diamonds are costing a fortune and a diamond like this appears green due to the stains caused by the activity of radioactive uranium on the mineral or any other earthly radiation. The radiation itself causes the diamond to turn green- hence green diamonds.

The price of intense genuine green diamonds can sum up from $60,000 to around $150,000 per carat.

Overall, it is still essential to follow the 4 C's- carat, clarity, color, and cut. Colorless or green diamonds may appear brilliant but if they are blurry, have less carat weight and poorly cut- then the saleability of the gems are greatly affected.

Among the famous natural green diamonds is the globally known Dresden diamond shown in the left corner. The Dresden diamond got its name from Saxony's capital in London. This apple green diamond is 40.70 carats and is the biggest and rarest IIA class true green diamond ever discovered.

photo courtesy of

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